(1.北京体育大学 人事处博士后流动站,北京 100084;2.北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京 100875;3.大连大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116622) 摘 要:以中小学体育教学中常见的运动技能为研究对象。运用假设检验、行家调查等研究方法,以运动技能的分类研究为切入点,探索运动技能学习过程的共性规律和基于“会能度”分类的运动技能学习过程的特殊规律。研究认为:将运动技能划分为会与不会有明显区别、中间型和会与不会没有明显区别3种类型;基于“会能度”分类的运动技能的学习规律,会与不会有明显区别的运动技能在学习过程中出现“质的”飞跃现象,不同类型运动技能学习阶段有差异性现象。 |
DONG Wen-mei1,MAO Zhen-ming2,BAO Ying3
(1.Post-doctoral Research Station,Beijing Sports University,Beijing 100084,China;2.School of Physical Education and Sport,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;3.School of Physical Education,Dalian University,Dalian 116622,China) Abstract: By applying research methods such as hypothesis test and expert survey, basing their research subject on sports skills commonly taught in physical education teaching in elementary and middle schools, and on the basis of their study of sports skill classification, the authors probed into general patterns of the sports skill learning process and special patterns of the sports skill learning process based on “degree of mastery” classification, and put forward the following opinions: sports skills should be divided into 3 types, namely mastered and non-mastered not signifi-cantly different type, middle type, mastered and non-mastered significantly different type; according to patterns of learning of sports skills based on “degree of mastery” classification, a “substantial” quantum leap will occur in the process of learning of master and non-master significantly different sports skills, and there will be a difference be-tween stages of learning of different types of sports skills. |