(首都体育学院 理论学部,北京 100088) 摘 要:自中央7号文件下发以来,教育部和各省(市、自治区)教育行政管理部门从政策研制、广泛宣传、举办活动等方面采取有力措施,积极贯彻落实,做了大量的工作,我国学校体育事业取得了新发展。但是,相对中央7号文件提出用5年时间使青少年体质健康水平有所提高的目标来讲,推进速度还比较慢,工作力度仍需进一步加大,长效机制还需建立,全社会关心青少年体育的良好态势应尽快形成,宏观落实中央7号文件的系统思路还需清晰、细化。 |
LIU Hai-yuan
(Department of Theoretic Studies,Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: Since the distribution of the No.7 document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCCPC), the Ministry of Education and education administration departments in various provinces (cities and mu-nicipalities) have taken effective measures for policy establishment, popularization and promotion, actively imple-mented the document, and done a lot of related work, and the scholastic education undertaking in China has been further developed. However, as being compared to the goal set by the No.7 document of CCCPC to somewhat en-hance the level of physical health of teenagers within 5 years, the development speed is kind of slow, more efforts should be made for such a job, a long term mechanism should be established, the good trend of concerning about teenager sports by the entire society should be formed as soon as possible, and a systematic thinking mode for im-plementing the No.7 document of CCCPC macroscopically should be further clarified and detailed. |