(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:数据表明,目前日本学生的体质健康水平高于我国学生。在身高、体重方面,虽然近年来我国比日本增长幅度大,但在大多数年龄段上与日本仍有一定的差距;在运动能力方面,我国学生50 m跑、握力、立定跳远的成绩远落后于日本。战后日本在增强学生体质健康方面,重视饮食营养、实施学校午餐制度、加强学生饮食教育;出台了一系列法律法规为日本国民和学生参与体育活动提供了法律保障,并以综合型区域体育俱乐部为载体,促进了竞技体育、群众体育和学校体育的协调发展。针对近年来日本学生体质和运动能力下降的趋势,采取了在全国开展提高学生体质健康的宣传活动;培养和激发学生参加身体活动的动机;为学生在社区参加体育活动创造良好环境;学校加强体质健康研究和创新,并积极与社会和家庭相配合等4项综合措施。 |
ZHOU Ai-guang,LU Zuo-sheng
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: Statistics indicate that physical health level of Japanese students is currently higher than that of Chinese students. In terms of height and weight, although Chinese students had a greater increase than Japanese students in recent years, they still fell behind Japanese students in most age segments; in terms of sports capacity, scores of 50-meter run, grip strength and long jump of Chinese students were far worse than the same of Japanese students. Measures taken by Japan to enhance student’s physical health after World War Two mainly show in the following aspects: value dietary nutrition, implement a school lunch system, and strengthen dietary education for students; es-tablish a series of laws and legislations to provide legal assurance for citizens and students to participate in physical exercising, and base the carrier on comprehensive regional sports clubs, thus harmonious development of competi-tive sports, mass sports and school physical education have been boosted. Aiming at the trend of deterioration of physical conditions and sports capacities of Japanese students in recent years, the following 4 comprehensive meas-ures were put forward: carry out nationwide student physical health promotion activities; cultivate and inspire stu-dent’s motive for participating in physical exercising; create a good environment for students to participate in physical exercising in communities; schools strengthen researches and innovations on physical health, and work ac-tively together with the society and families. |