(江苏宿迁学院 基础部,江苏 宿迁 223800) 摘 要:进入21世纪以后,由于生产力的发展,剩余时间的增多,身体日渐成为人们关注的焦点。休闲作为一种身体状态,自然引起人们的重视,同时也引发了全球性的休闲体育热潮。因为休闲体育运动实质上就是人类身体对抗工业挤压的一种自我救赎,同时也是人类身体的一种自我解放。它反映出了一个时代的整体风貌,是整个社会发展与变化的缩影。休闲将成为人类的一种生存状态,而休闲体育将以一种全新方式进入千家万户,成为人类自我解放的最有力的武器。 |
YU Hua
(Department of Basic,Jiangsu Suqian College,Suqian 223800,China) Abstract: Since human beings entered into the 21st century, the human body has gradually become the focus of at-tention of people due to the development of labor forces and the increase of surplus time. Naturally, leisure as a physical state has caught people’s attention and recognition, and also triggered the explosion of leisure sports enthu-siasm worldwide, because leisure sports are in fact a sort of self redemption of the human body from industrial squeeze, and also a sort of self liberation of the human body. Highly developed material civilization in the 21st cen-tury has provided human beings with leisure time and an easygoing mood concurrently, whereas leisure reflects the overall look of an era, profiling developments and changes of the entire society. Leisure will become a state of exis-tence of human beings, while leisure sports will be accepted by a zillion families in a brand new way, becoming the most powerful weapon for self liberation of human beings. |