(潍坊学院 体育系,山东 潍坊 261061) 摘 要:我国保险制度的整体发展水平与发达国家相比存在差距,体育保险制度的差距尤为明显。对国外体育保险制度模式及其对我国的启示进行了研究。研究表明,各个国家有不同的体育保险制度模式:(1)政府主导参与型体育保险制度模式;(2)政府支持下的民间体育保险制度模式;(3)政府资助的商业性体育保险制度模式;(4)政府重点选择性扶持型体育制度模式;(5)政府垄断经营体育保险制度模式。国外体育保险制度模式给我国的启示是,我国应借鉴国际经验,结合国情,逐步建立和完善体育保险制度,以推动体育保险事业的发展。 |
MAO Wei-min
(Department of Physical Education,Weifang Institute,Weifang 261061,China) Abstract: The level of overall development of insurance systems (especially the sports insurance system) of China is lower than that of developed countries. The author studied foreign sports insurance system modes and their inspi-ration to China, and revealed the following findings: different countries have different sports insurance system modes: 1) sports insurance system mode governed and participated by the government; 2) civil sports insurance system mode supported by the government; 3) commercial sports insurance system mode sponsored by the govern-ment; 4) sports insurance system mode selectively supported by the government; 5) sports insurance system mode monopolistically run by the government. The inspiration of foreign sports insurance system modes to China is that China should gradually establish and perfect the sports insurance system by referring to international experience coupled with Chinese circumstances, so as to boost the development of the sports insurance undertaking. |