(沈阳师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 沈阳 110034) 摘 要:依据社会稳定的理论,分析国外体育促进社会稳定的做法,探索体育促进社会稳定的机制。研究主要结论有:(1)体育可以使敌对和不满的情绪发泄到体育攻击对象上,可以转移不满群体的注意力,发挥体育替代目标的作用。(2)体育可以有效地调节人们在经济条件变化时因期望与现实间差距太大而产生的不满心态和受挫感,还可以改善因收入差距加大而产生的相对剥夺感。(3)体育社团可以有效地分散社会不满的指向,缓冲社会不稳定因素。 |
(School of Physical Education,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034,China) Abstract: Based on the theory of social stability, the authors analyzed approaches adopted by foreign countries to promote social stability, probed into the social stability boosting mechanism of sport, and drew the following main conclusions: 1)sport can let people take their hostile and discontent emotions out on sports objects of attack, and shift the attention of discontent groups, thus exerting the function of sport as a substitution target; 2)sport can effec-tively improve the psychology of discontent and the sense of frustration caused by the difference between expecta-tion and reality when economic conditions change, and also improve the sense of relative deprivation aggravated by the increase of income difference; 3)sports societies can effectively disperse directions of social discontent, and al-leviate social instability factors. |