(湖南人文科技学院 体育系,湖南 娄底 417000) 摘 要:以我国优秀举重运动员为研究对象,在赋予各指标以不同权重和单项评分基础上,对我国优秀举重运动员肌肉质量给予评价。结果表明:我国举重运动员肌肉质量模型可以分为训练因子和营养因子,各因子以及各因子中各指标有着不同的权重,其中,以BMI指数占有较大的权重。另外,我国重量级优秀举重运动员的身体成分有优化的空间,而按照百分法制定的我国优秀举重运动员肌肉质量评价标准是科学的,也是可行的。 |
(Department of Physical Education,Hunan Institute of Humanities Science and Technology,Loudi 417000,China) Abstract: Basing his study subject on excellent Chinese weigh lifting athletes, and based on single event scoring and giving different weights to various indexes, the author evaluated the muscle quality of excellent weight lifting athletes in China, and revealed the following findings: Chinese weigh lifting athlete’s muscle quality mode consists of training factor and nutrition factor; various factors and various indexes in various factors have different weights, in which the BMI has a relatively big weight; furthermore, physical constituents of excellent heavy weight weight lifting athletes in China can be further optimized, while in the 100-point scoring system, the standard for evaluating the muscle quality of excellent weight lifting athletes in China is scientific, and feasible as well. |