(湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105) 摘 要:欧洲国家尚未将形象权作为单独的权利在立法中加以确认。运动员形象权归属的冲突主要存在于运动员个人与其所在的体育行会之间,从现有解决冲突的实践来看,各国主要采取事前签订协议的方式来确定权利归属,这种解决方式的效力只及于协议双方当事人,没有上升到统一立法的高度,对运动员形象权的保护不利。欧洲国家对于运动员形象权的保护模式采取的是人格权保护加个案特殊处理的方式,这种保护远没有体现运动员人格的商业价值,难以有效防止商家的投机行为。 |
(Law School,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China) Abstract: In European countries the right of publicity has not been confirmed as a standalone right in their legisla-tions. Conflicts in the attribution of athletic right of publicity mainly exist in between individual athletes and the sports associations they belong to. From the perspective of the existing practice in resolving such conflicts, Euro-pean countries mainly adopt the way to sign an agreement beforehand to determine the attribution of the right. This kind of conflict resolving way is valid only for the parties in the agreement, yet it has not been uplifted to the per-spective of unified legislation, thus it is not conducive to the protection of athletic right of publicity. The way adopted by European countries to protect athletic right of publicity is a combined way of the protection of the right of personality and the special handling of individual cases. This kind of protection falls far short of embodying the commercial value of the personality of athletes, thus it can hardly prevent speculating acts of merchants effectively. |