(广东教育学院 体育系,广东 广州 510303) 摘要:新中国体育教学原则的研究大致经历了学习借鉴与引进时期、渐成体系与相对稳定时期、课程改革与创新时期等3个阶段。未来体育教学原则的研究,应立足于素质教育,着眼于课程与教学改革的需要,既要处理好继承与发展的关系,又要处理好借鉴与创新的关系。 关键词:体育教学原则; 课程改革; 中国 |
ZHANG Xi-qian
(Department of Physical Education, Guangdong Institute of Education,Guangzhou 510303,China) Abstract: The research of teaching principles of physical education in China has approximately experienced three stages, namely, stage of absorption and introduction,stage of building the system gradually and being relatively stable,and stage of curriculum reform and innovation. The research of teaching principles of physical education in the future should base on quality education and focus on the requirements of curriculum and teaching reforms, dealing well not only with the relationship between inheritance and development, but also with the relationship between absorption and innovation. |