(重庆师范大学 体育系,重庆 00047) 摘要:随着我国城市化水平提高,现代化社区体育亦应与社会经济、政治、文化等同步发展,但其发展离不开政府的政策性支持和参与,以重庆市为例,提出了政府应在全市规划、城镇规划、建设资金、就业、社区体育管理、社区体育促进等方面制定有利于发展社区体育的相关政策、法规。 关键词:重庆市; 社区体育; 全民健身 中图分类号:G812.719;G812.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)03-0018-04 |
HU Jian
(Department of Physical Education,Chongqing Normal University,C hongqing 400047,China) Abstract:With the increasing level of urbanization in China,the sport of mordern community develops to the pace of social economy,politics and cultur e.Such development involves the policy support and participation of the governme nt.Considering the typical case of Chongqing,authors bring forward the proposal on th e relevant policy and regulation construction about the whole city planning,town planning,construction fund,employment and community sports promotion. Key words:Chongqing; community sports; national fitness |