(1.上海体育学院 体育运动训练一系,上海200438; 2上海市高 境三中,上海 200439) 摘要:通过对传统周期训练理论以及其他一些观点的剖析,认为传统周期训练理论在新赛制下并未过时,仍是全年周期安排的依据。 关键词:传统周期训练理论; 新赛制; 全年训练周期 中图分类号:G808.15文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)02-0115-03 |
WANG Cun1, YANG Xing-quan1, ZHONG Min3
(1PE and Training 1 DeptShanghai Institute of PE,Shanghai 200438,China;2Shanghai Gaojing Third School,Shanghai 200439,China) Abstract: By analyzing the traditional periodicity training theory and other principle,the present paper indicates the traditional periodicity training theory has not been changed,the traditional periodicity training theory is still the guidance of arranging annual periodicity training. |