(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631) 摘要:用生理学和心理学等有关理论和方法,对老年人开展健身操活动的有关问题进行了研究分析,结果发现:健康的女性老人(60岁左右)有能力承担每周3次,每次2 h中小强度运动量的健身操活动。而且,经过5年以上的活动,其心血管系统的机能衰变明显小于无训练的同龄女性老人。 关键词:老年人;健身操;群众体育 中图分类号:G831.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)06-0038-03 |
DONG Ye-ping
(Institute of Physical Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: The paper analyzed how to develop the aerobics for the elders by the methods of physiology and psychology. It was found that healthy elder women had ability to do the low-middle intensity aerobics that lasts 2 hours per bout, 3 times per week.And their cardiovascular function decreased less than the age-matched normal women. Key words:the elder; aerobics; mass sports |