(哈尔滨体育学院 1运动系;2体育系;3后勤处,黑龙江 哈尔滨150008) 摘要:根据目前国内外对体育舞蹈的不同认识,从体育舞蹈的产生、本质属性、概念与内涵等方面进行了研究,认为体育舞蹈是舞蹈大家族中的一员,它经历了原始舞蹈——文娱舞蹈——体育舞蹈的发展过程,具有健身、娱乐和竞技的功能。根据其功能,体育舞蹈应包括大众(群众)体育舞蹈和竞技体育舞蹈两大类,这种理解,才与其概念的内涵相吻合,才有利于它在我国的普及和提高。 关键词:体育舞蹈;原始舞蹈;文娱舞蹈;国标舞;新兴体育舞蹈 中图分类号:G87 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0118-03 |
SONG Wen-li1, LUO Qing-kui2, XU Gui-lan3
(1.Sports Department;2.Department of Physical Education;3.Support Group, Harbin Institute of Physical Education,Harbin 150008,China) Abstract: Based on the knowledge of sports-dancing all over the world,we carried out research on the outcome, specialty, concept and implication of sports-dancing.As a member of dancing family, sports-dancing underwent three developing periods, primitive dancing, entertainment dancing and sports-dancing. Sports-dancing has the function of bodybuilding, entertainment competition and so on so forth.Divided by its functions, sports-dancing includes two types: general sports-dancing and competitive sports-dancing. As soon as people can understand its concept and implication, sports-dancing will develop and spread widely in our nation. |