(首都体育学院 1研究生部;2保健康复教研室,北京100088) 摘要:采用文献研究的方法,从体质的定义、研究发展的历史、测定指标体系、测定评价4个方面,提供了中美两国体质研究成果的详细数据资料,并进行了分析、比较,为学习国外有关体质研究的成果和经验,为制定更加适合我国国民特点的体质测定方法和测定标准提供借鉴。 关键词:体质;指标体系;体育测定评价;体育比较研究;中美 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0136-03 |
YANG Shao-feng1,YOU Gui-jie2
(1.Graduate Department;2.Department of Health Care and Rehabilitation,Capital College of Physical Education, Beijing 100088, China) Abstract: This article provides detailed data of fitness research of China and America in terms of four aspects: definition, development history, test items system and evaluation of test items system by the research of literature, and makes comparisons on the fitness research between China and America. It aims at providing people with reference of studying from other countries on the achievement and experience of fitness research, and helping constitute fitness-testing methods and criterion that more suitable for the Chinese people. |