(韶关学院 体育系,广东 韶关512000) 摘要:由于运动而引起的代谢过程加强,蛋白质所起有作用主要在两方面:一是不同项目、不同负荷的运动对蛋白质和不同种类氨基酸的需要量不同;二是合理有效的蛋白质组成和大负荷的运动训练,能改变身体的营养成份,并对力量和耐力成绩造成影响,过量摄取蛋白质的非营养性作用在于它潜在的危险性。 关键词:蛋白质;支链氨基酸;新陈代谢;运动 中图分类号:G804.7;G804.32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0065-03 |
(Depastment of Physical Education ,Shaoguan Institute,Shaoguan 512000,China) Abstract:There are two reasons why the protein can play a role of nutrition in metabolic process during exercise,one is that the demand fo r protein and amino acid is different because of different items and load, the other is that the reasonable and effcient protein compositions and overloaded sp ort traning can not only change body components, but also bring about an infl uence which is worth discussing the possiblity of improve power and endurance ,however, nonnutrition of protein excessive absorption lies in its potential danger. Key words:protein; branched-chain amino acid; metabolic process; sports |