(1渝州大学 体育系,重庆400020; 2重庆南开中学 体育组,重庆400030) 摘要:迁移现象普遍存在,迁移的实质是对已学知识的创造性应用,知识迁移的水平反映的是知识运用的最高水平。在教学中迁移的形式和内容无时无刻不在影响着学生的学习和成长,在中小学尤其突出。在教学中运用迁移的原理,促成正迁移的发性,成为教师追求的教学理念。 关键词:迁移;知识;体育教学 中图分类号:G807.01 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0015-02 |
YANG Ya-xiong1,XIAO Su-hua2
(1.Department of Physical Education Yuzhou University, Chongqi ng 400020, China;2.Division of Physical Education, Nankai Middle School Chongqing 400030, China) Abstract: The phenomena of the shift of students' learning is very common. The essence of this kind of phenomena is that the learners can use their gained knowledge and skills freely and creatively. The ability, of the students' bringing forth new ideas shows their highest level of applying course of the educators, the students' gained learning shift of all kinds and differen t content can have great influence on their growth and the process of the studie s here and there all the time, especially in elementary schools and high schools . There for, teachers should have high ideas enabling the students to get the po sitive shift of their gained knowledge in their teaching activities by carrying out the educational principles. Key words: transfer; knowledge; physical teaching |