(中国教育科学研究院,北京 100088) 摘 要:运动能力是体能、技能和心智能力的综合表现,运动能力标准是衡量运动能力发展水平的质量要求,运动能力标准能够对学生学完某项运动以后在具体运用过程中的综合表现做出准确的判断。运动能力标准的研制具有划时代意义,能更有利于贯彻落实让学生掌握1至2项运动技能的政策要求,能更好地促进学生核心素养的培育,能更精准地把握学生学业质量发展水平,能更全面地为体育教育质量监测提供直接依据。运动能力标准具有课程学习与能力评价的一致性、难度与等级同步的进阶性、服务学生发展的人本性、适宜于大中小学与城乡学生的普适性、系统评价与一标多用的综合性等特征。运动能力标准均划分为逐级进阶的6个等级,基本运动能力的等级划分与学段年级对应,小学每两个年级一个等级,初中每一个年级一个等级,专项运动的6个等级与课程内容难度对应,划分为三期六级,夯实基础期对应一级二级、提高能力期对应三级四级、发展特长期对应五级六级。专项运动能力评价主要采取“定级不定项”的方式,充分考虑学生兴趣爱好和运动需求,又有对相应学段应达到的运动水平的规定性。运动能力各等级测评内容,基于项目不同各有侧重,达标要求注重定量测评,定性评价也力求按观测点达到的要求定量化评价。学生运动能力标准有着广泛的应用场景,诸如教学改革、学业评价、体育中考、质量监测、督导评估等,但都需要有一个“确定—知晓—行测—评价”的推进程序。 关 键 词:运动能力;等级划分;标准;测评;体育教育质量 中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)04-0001-09 |
YU Sumei
(China National Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100088,China)
Abstract: Athletic ability is the comprehensive performance of physical ability, skills and mental ability. Athletic ability standards will be the quality requirement to measure the development level of athletic ability, and can also make accurate judgment on the comprehensive performance of students in the specific application process after learning a certain sport. The development of athletic ability standards has epoch-making significance, which can be more conducive to the implementation of the policy requirements for students to master 1 to 2 sports skills, better promoting the cultivation of students' core literacy, more accurately grasping the development level of students' academic quality, and providing direct basis for the quality monitoring of physical education more comprehensively. The athletic ability standards contains the following characteristics such as consistency between curriculum learning and ability evaluation, advanced synchronization of difficulty and grade, human nature for serving students' development, universality suitable for universities, primary and secondary schools, urban and rural students, and comprehensiveness of systematic evaluation and multi-purpose of a standard. The athletic ability standards can be divided into six levels, which are graded step by step. The grade division of basic athletic ability corresponds to the grade of the school section, one level for every two grades in primary school and one level for every grade in junior middle school. The six levels of professional sports correspond to the difficulty of the course content and are divided into three stages and six levels; consolidating the foundation period corresponds to one grade and two grades, improving the ability period corresponds to three grades and four grades, and developing special long-term corresponds to five levels and six grades. The evaluation of professional athletic ability mainly adopts the way of "grading indefinite items", giving full consideration to students' interests, hobbies and sports needs, and prescribing the sports level to be achieved by the corresponding learning section. Based on different items, evaluation content of each level of athletic ability has its own emphasis, and the standard requirements pay attention to quantitative evaluation, and the qualitative evaluation also strives to be quantitative evaluation according to the requirements achieved by the observation points. Students' athletic ability standards have a wide range of application scenarios, such as teaching reform, academic evaluation, physical education examination, quality testing, supervision and evaluation, but they all need to have a "confirmation-knowing-activity-evaluation" promotion procedure. Keywords: athletic ability;grade division; standards;assessment;physical education quality |