(1.广州体育学院 休闲体育与管理学院,广东 广州 510500;2.北京体育大学 冬奥文化研究中心,北京 100084) 摘 要:1896 年首届奥运会以来,奥运城市与奥林匹克运动同行并进。重现存在却受忽视的 奥运城市与奥林匹克运动互动的漫长之路富有价值。借全球史研究互动理论视角,通过跃迁研究 单位、跨越研究边界和关注研究对象的历史联系,剖析奥运城市与奥林匹克运动互动 3 时期、7 阶段,展现其演变脉络与逻辑:从“欧美城市领先发展与奥林匹克运动初步发展互动”“全球城市 蓬勃发展与奥林匹克运动快速发展互动”到“全球城市可持续发展与奥林匹克运动可持续发展互 动”,经历“接触”“互动”“依赖性互动”与“形成互动机制”4 层次,其中“明线”是奥运城市 与奥林匹克运动之间“话语权力”的消长,“暗线”是政治与经济、国家与城市之间“优先位置” 的更替。互动是奥运城市与奥林匹克运动发展的不竭动力。 关 键 词:奥林匹克运动;奥运城市;奥运会;全球史 中图分类号:G811.21 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0019-09 |
FENG Yanan ,BI Tianyang ,SUN Baoli
(1.School of Leisure Sports and Management,Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China; 2.Research Center for Winter Olympic Culture,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: Starting from the first Olympic games to now, the Olympic cities and Olympic movement are concurrent, which shows a long way reoccurred and also neglected, a communication between Olympic cities and Olympic games, and a highly important value. From the theory of interaction in Global History, the research theme by transferring units, crossing boundaries and focus on historical connections, find the three periods and seven stages of interaction between Olympic cities and Olympic movement to show the process and logic. The first period is the interaction between leading development of European and American and initial development of Olympic movement, and the second is the interaction between global vigorous development and rapid development of Olympic movement, and the third is Olympic cities and Olympic movement interact under sustainable development. It has four levels of "contact", "interaction", "interdependence" and "system". Between Olympic cities and Olympic movement, politics and economy, country and city were adjusted in the interaction, and the interaction is also a force for development of Olympic cities and Olympic movement. Keywords: Olympic movement;Olympic city;Olympic games;global history |