


(湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412007)  

要:运用文献资料、逻辑分析、历史比较等研究方法深入剖析红色体育历史演变,探寻 不同时代群众体育对红色体育的传承,进而探讨红色体育的当代价值。研究发现:(1)红色体育思 想萌芽于毛泽东的《体育之研究》,实践于苏区,发展壮大于战火纷飞的抗日和解放战争时期,具 有重要历史意义;(2)红色体育是当代群众体育的根基,与体质健康时代、全民健身时代、健康中 国时代的群众体育一脉相承;(3)红色体育具有塑造全民爱国情怀,建设中国特色体育文化,丰富 群众体育内涵的时代价值。基于此,提出红色体育助力群众体育实现路径:(1)立德树人,教育为 本,将红色体育精神凝聚为群众体育发展的内生动力;(2)与时俱进,改革创新,将红色体育文化 外化为群众体育文化建设的优势资源;(3)因地制宜,脚踏实地,将红色体育元素内化为群众体育 发展的常态内容。  


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)01-0030-06

Research on the promotion of red sports for the development of mass sports in the new era
MIN Hang,ZHANG Fengbiao

(School of Physical EducationHunan University of TechnologyZhuzhou 412007China)  

Abstract: By using the methods of literature review, logical analysis and historical comparison, this paper deeply  analyzes the historical evolution of red sports, explores the inheritance of red sports by mass sports at different  stages of the time, and further discusses the contemporary value of red sports. The study finds that : (1) Red sports  thought originated from Mao Zedongs masterpiece of sports research, practiced in the Soviet area, developed and  expanded in the war of resistance against Japan and the liberation war period, with the indispensable historical  significance; (2) Red sports are the foundation of contemporary mass sports, which is in line with mass sports in the  era of physical health, the era of national fitness and the era of healthy China; (3) Red sports have the time value of  shaping the patriotic feelings of the whole people, building sports culture with Chinese characteristics and enriching  the connotation of mass sports. Based on this, this paper puts forward the realization path of red sports assisting  mass sports: (1) Moral education and education-oriented, the red sports spirit condensed into the development of  mass sports endogenous power; (2) To keep pace with the times,and reform and innovation, and externalize the red  sports culture as an advantageous resource for the construction of mass sports culture; (3) Adjusting measures to  local conditions steadfastly, and the red sports elements into the normal content of the development of mass sports. 

 Keywords: mass sportsred sportshealthy Chinanew era
