


(1.南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 2100232.南京师范大学 新闻与传播学院,江苏 南京 210097)  

要:采用文本分析等研究方法对教育部审定通过的 6 部《体育与健康》教科书中的榜样 人物进行分析,探讨教科书中榜样人物承载特定的教育价值。研究认为:部分教科书榜样人物案 例不足;不同版本、不同年级教科书之间榜样人物案例分布不均衡。榜样人物呈现男性主义、成 人倾向特征;以中国籍运动员为主要、学生为次要;榜样人物选取具有时代特色。榜样人物的教 育价值主要体现在:通过榜样人物先进事迹引出体育与健康知识,帮助学生获取知识、树立健康 心态;介绍运动员等榜样人物的卓越成就,激发学生民族自豪感与爱国主义情怀;通过榜样人物 向学生传递体育精神,对学生进行德育教育。建议:优化榜样人物在体育教科书中的分布,发挥 教科书立德铸魂教育价值;以榜样人物为引领,培养学生健全人格;依托运动员榜样人物事迹, 弘扬中华体育精神;引导学生思考榜样人物的历史背景和教育价值,强化理想信念教育。 


中图分类号:G807.03 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)05-0102-06

The setting characteristics, educational value and improvement suggestions of role models in physical education textbook for junior high school
TAO Enhai,CHENG Chuanyin,MU Xiangqian

(1.School of Physical Education and Sport ScienceNanjing Normal UniversityNanjing 210023China2.School of Journalism and CommunicationNanjing Normal UniversityNanjing 210097China)  

Abstract: Using text analysis and other research methods to analyze the role models in the 6 editions of the "Sports  and Health" textbook approved by the Ministry of Education, and to explore the specific educational value carried  by the role models in textbooks. The study believes that the cases of role models in some textbooks are insufficient;  the distribution of role model cases between different versions and different grades of textbooks is uneven. Role  models show masculine and adult characteristics; the distribution of occupations is mainly displayed by athletes and  students are secondary; and the selection of role models has the characteristics of the times.The educational value of  role models is mainly reflected as follows: through the advanced deeds of role models to introduce sports and health  knowledge, to help students acquire knowledge and establish a healthy mentality; introducing the outstanding  achievements of athletes and other role models, to stimulate students' national pride and patriotism; through role  models passing the spirit of sportsmanship, and carrying out moral education for students. The study suggests that:  optimizing the distribution of role models in sports textbooks, to give play to the educational value of textbooks to  cast the soul; taking the role models as the guide to cultivate students' sound personality; relying on the deeds of  athletes to carry forward the Chinese sports spirit; guiding students to think about the historical background and  educational value of role models, so as to strengthen education in ideals and beliefs of them.  

Keywords: physical education textbookmoral educationrole modelssound personalitysportsmanship
