(1.武汉体育学院 武术学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.武汉体育学院 身体行为与健康促进研究中心,湖北 武汉 430079;3.武汉体育学院 研究生院,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘 要:以中国武术中的“劲”作为研究对象,基于技、艺、道一体对中国武术技术层面、艺术层面、哲学层面的“劲”进行研究。研究认为:中国武术中的“劲”不仅作为鉴别真伪的技术标示和划分武学修炼水平的尺度,还是中国武术近乎于道的内在追求。它是技术层面讲究武技“一招制敌”的身体能量;艺术层面聚焦武艺“点到为止”的生活智慧;哲学层面注重武道“天人合一”的生命境界;三者以寻求武技升华的力之“劲”、探求武艺表达的意之“劲”、追求武道顺达的气之“劲”的表现形式,共同构成习练中国武术能力综合评价体系和尺度。 关 键 词:民族传统体育;武术;劲;技术层面;艺术层面;哲学层面 中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)06-0037-05 |
WANG Gang,LUO Jun,DING Hao-yang
(1.School of Wushu,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Center for Research on Physical Behavior and Health Promotion,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China;3.Graduate Department,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: This paper takes the “Jin” in Chinese Wushu as the research object, and analyzes and studies the "Jin" in the technical, artistic and philosophical aspects of Chinese Wushu based on the integration of technology, art and Taoism. The research holds that "Jin" in Chinese Wushu is not only the technical mark to distinguish the true from the false and the yard stand to divide the level of martial arts cultivation, but also the internal pursuit of Chinese Wushu that is close to Tao. It pays attention to the martial arts "one move to make the enemy" of the body energy from the technical level; the artistic level focuses on the life wisdom of the "touch to date" of the martial arts; on the philosophical level, it pays attention to the life realm of "the unity of nature and man". The three forms form the comprehensive evaluation system and scale of the ability to practice Chinese Wushu, which are the "Jin" of seeking the sublimation of martial skills, the "Jin" of exploring the meaning of the expression of martial skills, and the "Jin" of the qi of pursuing the smooth way of martial arts. Keywords: national traditional sports;Wushu;Jin;technical level;artistic level;philosophical level |