


(1.华东师范大学 青少年健康评价与运动干预教育部重点实验室,上海 200241;2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241)

摘     要:采用文献法和访谈法,对中美 8 所高校运动训练类专业的培养方案进行比较,旨在完善我国高校运动训练专业人才培养方案,为培养适应时代发展和社会需求的运动训练专业人才提供新思路。研究发现,美国高校的培养目标定位更务实,公共必修课的设置更关注人文与科学素养培育,学分修读更强调过程性评价,以及专业实践课采用“早实习、多实习”的方式,对培养过程的严格监控等做法值得借鉴。
关 键 词 :学校体育;运动训练类专业;培养方案;培养目标;课程设置
中图分类号:G807.01 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0085-05

Comparison of training programs for sport training majors in Chinese and American universities
SUN You-ping 1, 2 ,LIN Zhao-xia 2

(1.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention of Ministry of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;2.School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)

Abstract: Using the methods of literature and interview, this study compares the training programs of sport training majors in 8 Chinese and American universities, aiming to perfect the training programs of sports training majors in Chinese universities, and provide new ideas for training sports training professional talents who can adapt to the development of the times and social needs. The study found that American colleges and universities have a more pragmatic training goal, and the establishment of public compulsory courses paying more attention to the cultivation of humanities and scientific literacy, and the credit study emphasizing the process evaluation, and the professional practice class adopting "the early practice, the multi-practice" way, as well as the strict monitoring to the training process by them. All these mentioned above especially is worthy of drawing lessons for our country.
Key words: school physical education;sport training majors;training programs;training goal;curriculum setting
