(安阳师范学院 体育学院,河南 安阳 455000) 摘 要:以新中国成立以来国家针对体育教育专业颁发的10套指导性文件为研究对象,在对其名称和培养目标演变特征分析的基础上,重点从课程总学时数、课程类型、主要课程科目方面探讨近70年来体育教育专业课程设置的演变历程,同时从多维视角揭示并提炼课程设置的变化特征,旨在为我国高等院校体育教育专业的课程设置提供历史经验,为体育教育本科人才培养质量的提升提供参考。建议未来我国体育教育专业的发展应该深化人才培养目标改革,构建多样化目标体系;针对课程分类同一层级要使用同一划分根据;课程主要科目要体现体育教育专业的专业性特点;进一步强化实践育人体系。 |
ZHANG Yu-bao
(School of Physical Education,Anyang Normal University,Anyang 455000,China) Abstract: Based on the 10 sets of guiding documents issued by China for the physical education major since the founding of new China, and on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of its designation evolution and cultivation objective evolution, the author studied the course of evolution of physical education major curriculum setup in re-cent 70 years, mainly in terms of total course hours, course types and main courses, and in the mean time, revealed and extracted curriculum setup changing characteristics from multiple perspectives, so as to provide historical ex-perience for physical education major curriculum setup at institutions of higher learning in China, and to provide reference for the improvement of physical education undergraduate talent cultivation quality. The author put forward the following proposals: for physical education major development in China in the future, talent cultivation objec-tive reform should be deepened, and a diversified objective system should be built; the same classification criteria should be used for the same level in course classification; main courses should embody the specialty characteristics of the physical education major; the student practical education system should be intensified. |