(1.上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438;2.华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510641; 摘 要:基于史密斯政策执行过程模型和米特-霍恩政策执行系统模型理论,结合问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法构建了学校体育政策执行结构方程模型,并借助该模型对学校体育政策执行机制和执行效果进行分析。结果显示:学校体育政策执行结构方程模型对于学校体育政策整体执行效果研究具有导向作用,政策本身、执行主体、目标群体、政策所处资源环境以及执行过程是学校体育政策执行效果的5个重要影响因素。
FAN Lian-xiang1,2,SUN Chuan-fang3,ZHUANG Wei1,2
(1.School of Physical Education and Sport Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;2.School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China;3.Xinhua College of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510520,China) Abstract: Based on Smith’s policy implementation process model and Mitt-horn’s policy implementation system model theory, combined with the methods of questionnaire survey, expert interview and son on, this paper constructs school physical education policy implementation structural equation model, and makes an analysis on school physi-cal education policy implementation mechanism and implementation effect relying on this model. The results show that: the structural equation model of school physical education policy implementation has a guiding role in the overall implementation effect of school physical education policy; the implementation subject, the target group, the resource environment and the implementation process are 4 important factors affecting the implementation effect of school physical education policy. |