(1.山东体育学院 运动与健康学院,山东 济南 250102;2.山东中医药大学 体育艺术学院,山东 济南 250355;3.中国残疾人奥林匹克运动管理中心,北京 101300;4.北京体育大学 教育学院,北京 100084) 摘 要:Brockport残疾学生体质测试是美国第一个专门服务于残疾人群的基于正常参照标准的体质测试,其应用效度已得到广泛认可。通过对该测试中测试项目及评价标准效度的解读,结合我国实际情况提出:在选择测试项目方面,应把效度检验放在第一位,立足我国学生实际,围绕体质健康筛选出适合残疾学生的测试项目;在建立体质健康数据库方面,应与残联系统、疾病预防控制中心、特殊教育学校等部门通力合作,尽快建立残疾学生体质健康数据库,为正常参照标准的制定提供数据支撑;在制定评价参照标准方面,基于正常参照标准的思想,与“健康指标”紧密联系,制定适用于残疾学生的体质测试评价标准,合理划分反映残疾学生健康水平的体质区域,以提高体质健康评价效能。 |
YUAN Ya-qing1,LIU Yang2,ZHANG Shao-hua3,LIU Yang4
(1.School of Sports and Health,Shandong Sport University,Jinan 250102,China;2. School of Sports and Art,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,China;3.China Administration of Sport for Persons with Disablilities,Beijing 101300,China;4.School of Physical Education,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: Brockport Physical Fitness Test for Disabled Students is the first US normal reference standards based physical fitness test dedicated for serving disabled people; its application validity has been widely verified. By interpreting the validity of test items and evaluation standards in the Test, coupled with actual circumstances in China, the authors put forward that in terms of selecting test items, China should give the first priority to validity verification, and screen out test items suitable for disabled students based on student reality in China and according to physical health; in terms of establishing a physical health database, China should work together with departments such as the Disabled Persons Federation System, Disease Prevention and Control Center and special education schools to establish a disabled student physical health database as soon as possible, so as to provide database support for the establishment of normal reference standards; in terms of establishing evaluation reference standards, China should, based on the idea of normal reference standard and by closely relating them to “health indexes”, establish physical fitness test evaluation standards suitable for disabled students, rationally define physical fitness zones which reflect disabled student health levels, in order to improve physical health evaluation efficiency. |