(1.兰州大学 体育部,甘肃 兰州 730000;2.上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438) 摘 要:从广场舞纠纷的角度,分析现阶段我国全民健身存在健身场地尤其是社区体育场地不足、现有健身项目无法满足中老年妇女的健身需求、全民健身路径实际管理不力、缺乏对群众文明健身的宣传引导、现行全民健身相关法规不够完善等问题。研究认为这些问题是因为我国现行全民健身整体情况无法适应社会环境的发展变化而造成的,提出加强全民健身场地保障、重视老年健身人群需求、加强全民健身路径的管理、加强文明健身引导工作、加强全民健身法治建设等建议。 |
ZHAO Jun-hui1,TANG Yan2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;2.Department of Sports Education Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: From the perspective of outdoor dance disputes, the authors analyzed problems existing in national fitness in China at the current stage, such as insufficient fitness playgrounds, especially community sports playgrounds, failure of existing fitness programs to meet the fitness need of the middle and old aged women, inadequate management of actual approaches to national fitness, lack of civilized fitness promotion and guidance for the masses, imperfect national fit-ness related laws and regulations currently effective, etc. The authors believed that these problems were caused by that the overall circumstances of national fitness currently implemented in China failed to adapt to the developing and changing of social environments, and put forward the following suggestions: strengthen national fitness playground assurance; pay attention to the need of the elderly fitness people; strengthen national fitness approach management; strengthen civilized fitness guidance; strengthen national fitness legal construction, etc. |