(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:从哲学和美学角度对体育舞蹈审美问题进行探讨,认为:体育舞蹈作为身体教育的最佳途径之一,具有以下审美特征:1)体育舞蹈的竞技性。体育舞蹈应以真和健康为评判标准,追求身体审美形式与内容的统一,展示其竞技之美。2)体育舞蹈的社交性。应以善和道德为评判标准,直面鲜活的人生,体现生活之美。3)体育舞蹈的艺术性。应以音心相映,身心合一为评判标准,追求人类审美的最高层次——艺术之美。 |
HE Yue-chun,DU Gao-shan
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: From the perspectives of philosophy and aesthetics, the authors probed into aesthetic issues about dance sport, and concluded that dance sport as one of the best ways for physical education has the following aesthetic characteristics: 1) the competitiveness of dance sport should base its judgment standard on genuineness and health, pursue the unification of body aesthetic form and content, show the beauty of dance sport competition; 2) the social-ity of dance sport should base its judgment standard on goodwill and morals, face vivid life, embody the beauty of life; 3) the artistry of dance sport should base its judgment standard on music and mind resonance as well as body and mind harmony, pursue the beauty of art, the highest level of human aesthetics. |