(河南师范大学 体育学院,河南 新乡 453007) 摘 要:针对我国教练员培训中普遍出现的重实践轻理论的现象,通过理论与实践辩证关系的分析,指出重实践轻理论阻碍着我国教练员运动训练的创新,教练员培训课程应纳入理论的实践课程,并通过多层次培训体系,促进教练员理论和实践相结合。 |
CAI Duan-wei
(School of Physical Education,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China) Abstract: Aiming at the phenomenon of focusing more on practice than on theory, which commonly occurs in coach training in China, by analyzing the dialectical relationship between theory and practice, the author pointed out the followings: focusing more on practice than on theory hinders innovation on coach sports training in China; coach training curriculum should be included in the practice curriculum of theories; bidirectional (theoretical and practical) revivification of coaches should be promoted via a multilevel training system. |