(1.广州体育学院,广东 广州 510500;2.广东金融学院 体育教学部,广东 广州 510521) 摘 要:对广东省4个地市的80所中、小学校《国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)》实施状况进行调研。结果显示:广东省学校体育的办学条件严重不足,35.0%的中、小学校达不到《标准》测试场地的基本要求;开展《标准》测试工作经费缺乏,投入严重不足,96.25%的学校《标准》测试采用人工测试办法;《标准》推广、宣传不到位,36.15%的体育教师不了解《标准》测试项目;《标准》测试上报数据与抽测复查数据一致率极低。提出加强《标准》宣传、培训工作,完善制度建设,强化《标准》抽查复核比对工作力度;探讨仪器合作购置、互助测试的合作模式等建议。 |
XU Ying1,PU Bi-wen2,XU Yan2
(1.Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510521,China) Abstract: The authors investigated the condition of implementation of National Student Physical Health Standard (2014 Revision) in 80 elementary and middle schools in 4 cities in Guangdong, and revealed the following findings: Guangdong had a serious lack of school physical education running conditions, 35% of the elementary and middle schools failed to meet the Standard’s basic requirements for a test ground; there was a lack of funds for developing Standard testing work, investment was seriously insufficient, 96.25% of the schools used manual test methods for Standard testing; the Standard was not appropriately popularized and promoted, 36.15% of the physical education teachers did not know about Standard test items; there was a very low rate of concordance between reported Stan-dard test data and sampling check data. The authors put forward the following suggestions: strengthen Standard promotion and training; reinforce Standard sampling check and comparison; explore a mode of cooperation for co-operative instrument purchase and mutually beneficial test, etc. |