(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:节奏体语是一项新兴体育项目。项目的创意源自非洲黑人舞蹈及民间打击乐,源于数字信息时代人们对健康生活的追求,以节奏为切入点体现了体育与艺术的融合。该项运动通过击掌、拍打身体和踏地3种动作方式发出声音,并将这些动作按照一定的节奏和速度夸张地表现出来。动作风格或张扬或优雅,运动强度可以因动作的幅度和速度不同而随之改变,不受场地、器材、人数的限制,融健身性与娱乐性为一体,拍打的部位经过精心考虑,如果长期坚持还能达到一定养生功效。作为一项新兴体育运动,坚实的群众基础是其生命力的源泉,节奏体语要在大力宣传的前提下,提高师资力量,通过教学和比赛等形式给大家提供交流的平台,让项目植根于民、发展于民,真正成为一项大家喜闻乐见的体育运动。 |
LUO Feng
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: Rhythmic body language is an emerging sport. The idea about this sport originated from black African dance and folk percussion music, coming from people’s pursuit for a healthy life in the digital information age, em-bodying the fusion of sport and art by means of rhythm. This sport makes sounds in such 3 ways of movement as hand clapping, body patting and ground tapping, and expresses these moves exaggeratedly according to a certain rhythm and speed. The style of movement can be showy or elegant; the exercise intensity can vary with the ampli-tude and speed of movement, is not restricted by the playground, the equipment or the number of players; this sport integrates fitness and entertainment features; the body areas to be patted are elaborately considered, so a certain health maintaining effect can be achieved if such a sport is played persistently over a long period of time. A solid mass foundation is the source of vitality of rhythmic body language as an emerging sport; for the development of rhythmic body language, we should, under the precondition of vigorous promotion, increase the number of teachers, provide people with a communication platform in the form of teaching and competition, and let this sport root in people, develop among people, and truly become a sport everybody loves to see and hear. |