(1.首都师范大学 体育教研部,北京 100048;2.首都师范大学 初等教育学院,北京 100048;3.首都师范大学 教育学院,北京 100048) 摘 要:选取北京市1所重点中学和1所普通中学的586名初二学生为样本,进行性别角色、体质健康及体育态度的测量与调查。结果表明:双性化(38.9%)与未分化(36.2%)比例较高,单性化较低(24.9%)。男生群体中,体质健康由好及差的顺序为:男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化,男性化和未分化个体在体质健康上差异显著(P<0.05);体测各单项指标随性别角色呈现不同规律;不同性别角色在体育重要性、喜欢程度、锻炼次数方面差异极其显著(P<0.001)。女生群体中,体质健康由好及差的顺序为:女性化、男性化、双性化、未分化,女性化和未分化个体体质健康差异边缘显著(P=0.08);体测各单项指标随性别角色呈现另一种规律;不同性别角色的女生在重要性(P<0.05)、喜欢程度(P<0.001)方面差异显著。在结果的基础上,分析了可能存在的影响因素、研究的局限性、未来展望与相应的干预策略。 |
CHEN Shao-qing1,ZHANG Jun2,LI Wen-dao3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,China;2.Elementary Education College,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,China;3.Education College,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,China) Abstract: The authors selected 586 junior school students from a key middle school and an ordinary middle school in Beijing as the specimens, measured and investigated their gender roles, physical health and sports attitudes, and revealed the following findings: the percentages of students with an androgynous gender role and students with an undifferentiated gender role were high (38.9% and 36.2% respectively), while the percentage of students with a unisexual gender role was low (24.9%); among the groups of boy students, the order of physical health from good to poor was as follows: students with a masculinized gender role, students with a feminized gender role, students with an androgynous gender role and stu-dents with an undifferentiated gender role, individuals with a masculinized gender role and individuals with an undifferen-tiated gender role were significantly different in terms of physical health (P<0.05), various single event indexes measured during physical test showed different patterns varying with gender role, different gender roles had an extremely significant difference in terms of sports importance, likeability and exercise times (P<0.001); among the groups of girl students, the order of physical health from good to poor was as follows: students with a feminized gender role, students with a mascu-linized gender role, students with an androgynous gender role and students with an undifferentiated gender role, individuals with a feminized gender role and individuals with an undifferentiated gender role were margin different in terms of physi-cal health (P=0.08), various single event indexes measured during physical test showed another pattern varying with gen-der role, girl students with different gender roles were significantly different in terms of sports importance (P<0.05) and likeability (P<0.001). Based on the said findings: the authors analyzed possibly existing affecting factors, research limita-tions, future expectations and corresponding intervention strategies. |