(南方医科大学 体育部,广东 广州 510515) 摘 要:随机分层整群抽样调查了广东省9所高校4 483名大学生,对大学生课外运动损伤的影响因素进行了研究。运用最优尺度回归分析法对大学生课外运动损伤可能影响因素进行检验与分析,并对各因素的重要性进行判别。结果显示:共有20个因素影响大学生课外运动损伤,最重要的是准备活动是否充分与动作是否违反人体结构功能要求2个因素,性别、身体素质与运动项目的适应性、运动负荷及场地环境状况等是较重要的4个因素。采用同质性分析对各重要影响因素及损伤程度间的同质聚类关系进行了分析。结果显示:男、女生在损伤诱因与损伤程度方面存在差异,不同损伤程度的诱因存在差异,各诱因间存在一定聚集特点。 |
WAN Guo-hua,SONG Jun,YANG Xiao-yong,WANG Bi-yi
(Department of Physical Education,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China) Abstract: By means of random sampling from stratified groups, the authors surveyed 4 483 college students in 9 uni-versities in Guangdong province, studied factors which affect injuries suffered by college students from extracurricular exercising. By applying the method of optimal scale regression analysis, the authors tested and analyzed factors which may affect injuries suffered by college student from extracurricular exercising, determined the degrees of importance of various factors, and revealed the following findings: there are totally 20 factors which affect injuries suffered by college students from extracurricular exercising; the two most important factors are whether warm-up is sufficient and whether movement violates functional requirements of the human body structure; gender, physical makings and exercising event adaptation, as well as exercising load and playground environmental conditions are 4 relatively important factors. By means of homogeneity analysis, the authors analyzed the homogeneous aggregation relations between various im-portant factors and degrees of injury, and revealed the following findings: there are differences between boy students and girl students in terms of cause for injury and degree of injury; there are differences between causes for different de-grees of injury; there are certain characteristics of aggregation between various causes. |