(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;2.广州市民族宗教事务局,广东 广州 510170) 摘 要:全国少数民族传统体育运动会,是中国体育和民族工作改革开放的创新举措,但在社会发展的潮流中面临严重的锦标主义等发展的困境,亟需理念更新,树立文化保护和文化多元的意识,为民族团结进步事业发挥积极有效的作用,走出一条可持续发展的道路。遵循“分享运动”的发展理念,对于促进民运会改革具有积极意义。 |
LI Wen-tan1,2,HU Xiao-ming1
(1.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Department of Ethnic & Religious Affairs of Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510170,China) Abstract: Traditional minority national sports games nationwide is an innovative measure for the reform and open-ing of sports and national works in China, but it faces serious development dilemmas such as medal mania in the trend of social development, therefore, conceptions need to be updated, the awareness of cultural protection and cultural diversification needs to be established, so as to play an active and effective role in the undertaking of na-tional unity and advancement, and to work out a way for sustainable development. Following such a conception for development as “sharing sports” is provided with positive significance for promoting the reform of national games. |