(东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130024) 摘 要:《传统体育与人类的适应性——因纽特等民族的体育人类学研究》一书共分为5章。通过理清全世界传统体育的不同地区特征和民族特征,找到传统体育与人类的适应性这一最佳切入点。该书探讨了因纽特人传统体育在提高当地居民对严寒的生存环境的适应性方面的作用,对全世界的传统体育形态进行梳理,并应用研究结果探讨了对我国的启示。该书首创了海外的体育人类学调查,资料翔实、研究细致,堪为跨学科研究的范例。 |
(School of Physical Education,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China) Abstract: The book titled Traditional Sport and Human Adaptation–Sports Anthropological Study of Nations di-vided into 5 chapters totally. By shorting out different regional characteristics and national characteristics of tradi-tional sports worldwide, the author found the best entrance–traditional sports and human adaptation. In this book, the author probed into the functions of traditional Inuit sports in enhancing local residents’ adaptation to freezing living environments, sorted out the forms of traditional sports worldwide, and probed into their inspirations to China by applying his research results. This book is a pioneer in oversea sports anthropological investigation, provided with solid data and meticulous study, indeed a model of interdisciplinary study. |