(1.武汉体育学院 体育经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079;2.山东体育学院 体育社会科学系,山东 济南 250102) 摘 要:基于伦理学视角,阐述高尔夫运动所引发的潜在矛盾,诠释环境正义的内涵,并从种际正义、代内正义和代际正义3个维度分析环境正义在高尔夫运动中的应然体现。认为高尔夫运动可持续发展观与环境正义理念相契合,环境正义为高尔夫运动可持续发展提供道德支持和伦理动力。通过树立环境伦理观、建立和完善相关制度、确定评价标准、加强执法和监督等策略来实现环境正义,促进高尔夫运动的可持续发展。 |
SHEN Ke-yin1,LIU Yuan-xiang2
(1.School of Sports Economics & Management,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Department of Sports Social Science,Shandong Sport University,Jinan 250102,China) Abstract: From the perspective of ethics, the authors expatiated on potential contradictions triggered by golf, inter-preted the connotation of environmental justice, and analyzed the sure embodiment of environmental justice in golf from such 3 dimensions as inter-racial justice, inner-generational justice and inter-generational justice. The authors put forward the following opinions: the sustainable development of golf fits into the conception of environmental justice; environmental justice provides moral support and ethical power for the sustainable development of golf; we can realize environmental justice and boost the sustainable development of golf by implementing such policies as establishing an environmental ethical view, establishing and perfecting relevant systems, determining evaluation standards, strengthening law enforcement and supervision etc. |