(1.中北大学 体育与艺术学院,山西 太原 030051;2.佛山科学技术学院 体育学院,广东 佛山 528000;3.深圳大学 体育部,广东 深圳 518060;4.广州大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:一个民族、一个社会,其心理的产生和发展是一个历史过程,即任何一种社会心理的形成,总是与该社会和该民族长期的发展历史相联系的,是一个逐步形成的过程。中国竞技体育金牌期待的社会心理走向划分为3大历史阶段,即计划经济时代政府控制下赶超型金牌期待的社会心理、市场经济时代政府主导下赶超型金牌期待的社会心理、市场经济时代多元主导型金牌期待的社会心理。社会心理走向从重视金牌趋向于淡化金牌。 |
WANG Xin1,WANG Bo-chao2,WANG Zheng3,SHANG Zhi-na4
(1.School of Sports & Arts,North China University,Taiyuan 030051,China;2.School of Physical Education,Foshan University,Foshan 528000 China;3.Department of Physical Education,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China;4.School of Physical Education,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: As for a nation or society, the production and development of its psychology is a historical process, i.e. the formation of any kind of social psychology is a process of gradual formation, always connected to the history of long-term development of that society or nation. The tendency of social psychology in expectation of gold medals for competitive sports in China is divided into 3 historical stages, namely, social psychology in expectation of ex-ceeding type gold medals under the control of the government in the era of planned economy, social psychology in expectation of exceeding type gold medals under the guidance of the government in the era of market economy, so-cial psychology in expectation of multi-field, guiding type gold medals in the era of market economy. The tendency of social psychology is developing from valuing gold medals to disvaluing gold medals. |