(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 摘 要:我国城市社区体育受居住分异的影响,在体育价值取向、体育消费、体育人口、体育运动方式、体育组织形式等方面表现出一定的差异性。在居住分异背景下,依据非均衡发展理论,合理设计社区体育的层次化发展模式,上层社区实施自治型发展,中层社区采取内外共生型发展,而低收入与贫困阶层社区需要沿用政府扶持型发展模式,各种社区因社区具体特点而选择有针对性的发展模式。 |
MIAO Zhi-wen,YUE Chao
(School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China) Abstract: Affected by residential differentiation, community sports in cities in China show certain differences in terms of sports value orientation, sports consumption, sports population, sports mode, sports organization form etc. Under the background of residential differentiation, we should, according to the theory of unbalanced development, rationally de-sign the modes of level defined community sports development, implement autonomic development for communities at the upper level, adopt internally and externally coexisting development for communities at the middle level, apply the mode of government supported development for communities at the low income and poor levels, and selected action specific modes of development for various communities according to their specific characteristics. |