(1.陕西教育学院 体育部,陕西 西安 710061;2.伊犁师范学院 体育学院,新疆 伊犁 835000;3.首都体育学院,北京 100191) 摘 要:使用CGSS2006城市问卷部分数据,采用分层线性模型对我国城市社区居民的个体体育行为进行了研究。研究认为,个体层自变量个人每周工作时间、受教育年限、个人年收入与高层自变量家庭月收入共同作用影响个体体育锻炼行为的发生;此外在排除个体层自变量的影响,家庭层的家庭月支出对个体体育锻炼行为的发生有决定性的影响。 |
NING Ke1,MA Yun-xia2,LI Xiao-tian3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Shanxi Institute of Education,Xi’an 710061,China;2.School of Physical Education,Yili Normal University,Yili 835000,China;3.Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191,China) Abstract: By using some data derived from CGSS2006 urban questionnaires, and by adopting a hierarchical linear model, the authors studied the individual physical exercising behaviors of residents in urban communities in China, the drew the following conclusions: the weekly working times, educated years, individual annual incomes of indi-viduals as independent variables in the individual hierarchy, and the monthly incomes of families as independent variables in the higher hierarchy, jointly affected the occurrence of individual physical exercising behaviors; in addi-tion, exclusive of the influence of independent variables in the individual hierarchy, the monthly expenses of fami-lies in the family hierarchy had decisive influence on the occurrence of individual physical exercising behaviors. |