(清华大学 法学院,北京 100084) 摘 要:针对《全民健身条例》实施中存在的问题,依据激励理论,引入激励机制,以激励对象为切入点,重点分析政府、体育行政部门、学校、社区4个激励对象,构建以激励需要、激励目标、激励手段为核心内容的全民健身激励机制,充分调动全民健身各方主体的积极性,以促进和保障《全民健身条例》的有效实施。 |
TIAN Si-yuan,LANG Fu-zi
(School of Law,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: Aiming at problems existing in the implementation of Nationwide Fitness Regulations, we should intro-duce stimulation mechanisms based on stimulation theories, primarily analyze such 4 stimulation subjects as gov-ernments, sports administrative departments, schools and communities by basing the starting point on stimulation subjects, establish a nationwide fitness stimulation mechanism which bases its core contents on stimulation needs, stimulation objectives and stimulation means, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of major parties in nationwide fit-ness, so as to promote and ensure the effective implementation of Nationwide Fitness Regulations. |