(1.上海体育学院 运动科学学院,上海 200438;2.上海体育学院 科研处,上海 200438;3.石河子大学 体育学院,新疆 石河子 832003) 摘 要:通过对1997~2011年民族体育类国家社会科学基金的立项数量、立项单位、研究主题、命题特征及与“指南”的相关性等进行分析,结果表明:民族体育类课题立项数量总体呈上升趋势,立项单位均为高校,且具有明显的区域特征。课题立项与历年“指南”密切相关,研究主题集中于民族传统体育的发展与对策、民族传统体育文化、民族传统体育的社会功能等方面,注重学科交叉。研究成果对学科发展起到推动作用并取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益。但仍有很多领域的研究尚显薄弱,可作为后续研究的启发与借鉴,同时建议“指南”适当引导,支持边远少数民族地区的研究,考虑多民族省区的民族文化交流和融合。 |
ZHANG Yi1,3,ZHOU Cheng-lin2,WANG Hou-lei3
(1.Department of Kinesiology,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;2.Scientific Research Department,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;3.School Physical Education,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,China) Abstract: By analyzing the number of projects established, project establishing units, research topics, topic charac-teristics and correlations with the guides, with respect to the national social science fund for the national sports category between 1997 and 2011, the authors revealed the following findings: the number of projects established in the national sports category showed an overall trend of increasing; project establishing units were all universities, and provided with distinctive regional characteristics; topic project establishment was closely related to the guides of the years, research topics were mainly about the development of and measures for the development of national sports, national sports cultures, social functions of national sports etc, and attention had been paid to disciplinary crossing; the research achievements had boosted scientific development and achieved significant social effects and economic effects. However, researches in many areas still seemed to be too weak, can be used as inspirations and references for follow-up researches, and the authors proposed that national social science fund guides provide ap-propriate guidance, support researches in remote minority regions, and consider the national cultural communication and fusion of multi-nation provinces and regions. |