(山东工商学院 体育部,山东 烟台 264005) 摘 要:通过对36所普通高校大学体育课教学情况调研得知,我国大学体育课分层教学仍处于小范围实施阶段。从《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010~2020年)》看,应注重因材施教,推进分层教学;通过对分层教学有效性的分析,揭示分层教学是因材施教的有效方法。结合已有的理论和实践经验,提出大学体育课分层次教学模式构建方案及实施策略。 |
WU Xiao-yang,YU Hai-tao
(Department of Physical Education,Shandong Institute of Business and Techndogy,Yantai 264005,China) Abstract: From the survey of physical education class teaching methods used by 36 regular institutes of higher learning, it is known that layered teaching in college physical education classes in China is still at the stage of being implemented in a small range. From the perspective of the Outline of National Planning for Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020), we should focus on student oriented teaching, promote layered teaching; by analyzing the effectiveness of layered teaching, the authors revealed that layered teaching is an effective method for student oriented teaching. By referring to existing theories and practical experiences, the authors put forward a model establishment plan and implementation strategies for layered teaching in college physical education classes. |