(1.广州大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510006;2.聊城大学 体育学院,山东 聊城 252059) 摘 要:考察我国皮划艇运动员赛前情绪特征的总体状况,探讨不同性别、年龄、训练年限、等级、团队凝聚力、教导方式的我国皮划艇运动员赛前情绪特征的各维度差异以及不同赛前情绪特征对我国皮划艇运动员运动表现的影响。研究结果表明,我国皮划艇运动员赛前情绪特征的总体状况良好;不同赛前情绪特征的我国皮划艇运动员的部分维度存在显著性差异;我国皮划艇运动员赛前情绪特征的部分维度能够预测他们的运动表现。 |
Lü Xiao-chang1,LIN Lin2
(1.School of of Physical Education,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.School of Physical Education,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China) Abstract: The authors examined the overall pregame emotional characteristics of canoeists in China, probed into differences in various dimensions of the pregame emotional characteristics of canoeists in China, who were different in terms of gender, age, number of years trained, level, team cohesion and coaching manner, as well as effects of different pregame emotional characteristics on the sports performance of canoeists in China, and revealed the fol-lowing findings: the overall pregame emotional characteristics of canoeists in China were good; canoeists in China, who had different pregame emotional characteristics, had significant differences in some dimensions; some dimen-sions of the pregame emotional characteristics of canoeists in China could predict their sports performance. |