(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021) 摘 要:对第10~11届世界健美操锦标赛我国与世界各项前3名运动员成套动作中所选的跳跃类难度动作进行了分析,结果显示:我国优秀竞技健美操运动员在成套动作中选用的跳跃类难度动作的数量和分值上均高于世界前3名选手;我国优秀竞技健美操运动员选用的跳跃类难度动作类型主要偏重于屈体分腿跳类,动作的完成比世界优秀运动员选用的科萨克跳类的难度大;我国优秀竞技健美操运动员选用的跳跃类难度动作主要分布在整套操的前半套,而世界优秀运动员主要分布在整套操的后半套,这对运动员的专项体能及下肢动力性力量的要求较高,这说明我国优秀竞技健美操运动员与世界优秀运动员相比下肢动力有一定的差距。 |
CHEN Rui-qin
(School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China) Abstract: The author analyzed difficult jumping moves used in routines completed by Chinese and world top 3 players in each event in the 10th and 11th World Aerobics Championships, and revealed the following findings: the numbers and scores of difficult jumping moves used in routines completed by Chinese excellent aerobics players were all higher than those completed by world top 3 players; the types of difficult jumping moves used by Chinese excellent aerobics players were mainly straddle jumps, which were more difficult to complete than Cossack jumps used by world excellent players; difficult jumping moves used by Chinese excellent aerobics players were mainly distributed in the first half of the entire program, while difficult jumping moves used by world excellent players were mainly distributed in the second half of the entire program, which has a higher requirement for the event spe-cific stamina and the dynamic strength of the lower limbs of the players, means that the dynamic strength of the lower limbs of Chinese excellent competitive aerobics players is somewhat weaker than that of world excellent players. |