(淮北师范大学 体育学院,安徽 淮北 235000) 摘 要:通过与《论太极推手的技术和文化特性——兼论传统太极推手竞技化不可行》作者商榷,对该文作者提出太极推手仅适用于“对练运动形式”提出质疑。认为现代太极推手运动源于传统习练太极拳之“用”的练习,体现了对传统的继承和创新,传统的太极推手练习不乏对抗性,太极推手竞技化可行,传统与现代并重并不矛盾,并对竞技太极推手的继续开展提出看法和建议。 |
——Also a discussion with the author of On the technical and cultural characteristics of Taiji pushing hand - Also on the infeasibility of turning traditional Taiji Tuishou into a 4competitive event CHEN Wei Abstract: By discussing with the author of On the technical and cultural characteristics of Taiji pushing hand - Also on the infeasibility of turning traditional Taiji pushing hand into a competitive event, this author questioned such an opinion put forward by that author as that Taiji pushing hand is applicable only to “the form of pair exercising”. In this author’s opinion, modern Taiji pushing hand originated from the practice of “using” of traditional Taijiquan practicing, embodies the inheritance and innovation of traditions; there is no lack of competition in traditional Taiji pushing hand practice; it is completely feasible to turn Taiji pushing hand into a competitive event; traditional and modern are equally important, but not contradictive. This author also put forward opinions on and suggestions for continuing to develop competitive Taiji pushing hand. |