(1.暨南大学 体育部,广东 广州 510632;2.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:以14名高水平赛艇运动员为实验对象。冬训前通过与对照组比较,观察运动员的免疫功能状态;通过运动员冬训两个月前后的比较,观察运动训练对免疫功能的影响;通过服用免疫调理中药一个月前后的比较,观察中药对运动性免疫抑制的调理效果。结果发现,冬训前,运动员的主要免疫指标显著低于正常人,且冬训两个月后进一步降低,表明赛艇运动员长期从事大强度运动训练可显著抑制免疫功能。通过服用免疫调理中药,主要免疫指标显著回升,表明中药对调理运动性免疫低下有显著作用。 |
WAN Wen-jun1,HAO Xuan-ming2
(1.Depatment of Physical Education,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China;2.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: By basing their experimental subjects on 14 high performance rowers, the authors observed the condi-tions of immune functions of the rowers by comparing them with those in the control group before winter training, the effects of athletic training on immune functions by comparing the rowers before and after two-month winter training, and the results of kinetic immune suppression conditioning by using traditional Chinese medicines, and re-vealed the following findings: before winter training, the main immune indexes of the rowers were significantly lower those of normal people, and further lowered after two-month winter training, which indicated that the rowers engaging in high intensity athletic training could significantly suppress their immune functions; by taking immunity conditioning traditional Chinese medicines, the rowers significantly increased their immune indexes, which indi-cated that traditional Chines medicines played a significant role in conditioning immune suppression. |