(上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438) 摘 要:对海尔森“个人和社会责任教学模式”的开发背景、特点、实施过程、教学策略及价值进行了考察:海尔森的“个人和社会责任教学模式”的开发反映了美国学校道德教育和学校体育改革的要求;开发理念上重视责任教育和身体活动的结合、责任教育的转移、合理教学授权及对教学中建构和谐师生关系的关注;学习内容体系设计了5个领域的责任水平结构和针对性的行为学习要素;学习策略主要包括作为常规体育教学活动中的道德责任教学策略和适应各个责任水平的道德责任教学策略等。海尔森的“个人和社会责任教学模式”的开发和实践值得我国学校体育中开展道德教育借鉴。 |
LUO Ping
(School of Physical Education and Coaching,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: The author examined and analyzed the development background, characteristics, implementation process, teaching strategies and value of “the mode of teaching of personal and social responsibility” established by Hellison: the development of “the mode of teaching of personal and social responsibility” established by Hellison reflected the need for the reform of scholastic moral education and scholastic physical education in the United States; in terms of conception development, attention was paid to the combination of responsibility education with physical activi-ties, the transfer of responsibility education, rational teaching authorization and the focus on building a harmonious teacher and student relationship in teaching; the structure of responsibility levels and action specific behavior learn-ing elements in 5 areas were designed for the learning content system; learning strategies mainly include strategies for the teaching of moral responsibility in conventional activities of the teaching of physical education and strategies for the teaching of moral responsibility adapting to various responsibility levels; the development and practice of “the mode of teaching of personal and social responsibility” established by Hellison are worthy of reference for de-veloping moral education in scholastic physical education in China. |