(安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241003) 摘 要:中国学校体育长期以来具有“现实性”、“学科性”的特点,过分强调学校体育的政治因素,没有顾及学校体育的育人意义与作用。应从现代性、教育性、学科性3个方面重新定位中国学校体育的性质,从大社会、大文化、大教育的新视角认识学校体育教育,才能真正拉开具有新精神与时代特征的中国学校体育新课程改革的帷幕,使体育走出自我领域的演进,嵌入多元文化。 |
WU Wen-bo,ZHANG Zhen-hua
(School of Physical Education,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,China) Abstract: Over a long period of time, scholastic physical education in China is provided with such characteristics as realistic and disciplinary. Overemphasizing the political factors of scholastic physical education without paying re-gard to the people-education meanings and functions of scholastic physical education has resulted in biases and re-grets in scholastic physical education in China. The nature of scholastic physical education in China should be rede-fined in terms of its modern nature, educational nature and disciplinary nature. Only by understanding the characters of scholastic physical education from the new perspectives of grand society, grand culture and grand education, can the curtain of scholastic physical education curriculum reform in China, which is provided with new spirits and modern characters, be truly unveiled, so that sport can get out of evolution in its own field and be embedded into the return of multi-culture. |