(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 摘 要:竞技体育项目不仅包括奥运项目,还包括非奥运项目,高水平的非奥运项目在世界赛场上同样寄托着人们强烈的期待。受“奥运争光计划”的影响,我国非奥运项目得不到重视,一些群众欢迎的非奥项目发展受到较大制约,影响了我国迈向体育强国的步伐。指出国家相关部门应当审时度势地调整战略部署,抓好非奥运项目的训练工作,以局部带动整体,改革赛事成绩和排名计算方法,加大政策扶持力度和资金投入,促进非奥运项目健康发展。 |
YU Wen-qian,WANG Le
(School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China) Abstract: Competitive sports events include not only Olympic events, but also non-Olympic events. On world ven-ues, high level non-Olympic events are highly expected by people as well. Affected by the “Olympic Glory Pro-gram”, in China non-Olympic events are not highly regarded, some non-Olympic events in which splendid per-formances had once been achieved have lost their shine, and the development of some non-Olympic events wel-comed by the mass are significantly restricted, which has affected the pace of China to develop into a sport powerful nation. The authors pointed out that related state departments should adjust strategic deployment according to actual circumstances and situations, strengthen the training for non-Olympic vents, boost the overall development with lo-cal developments, reform the methods for the calculation of game performances and ratings, and increase policy support and capital investment, so as to boost the healthy development of non-Olympic events. |