(1.江西财经大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330013;2.江西师范大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330027) 摘 要:以身体自尊、一般自尊和一般生活满意感3个量表为研究工具,采用集体课外锻炼和自行课外锻炼的分组方式,同时辅以认知干预,对35名体育后进生进行为期8周的干预实验,为考察结合认知干预的两种不同课外锻炼方式对大学体育后进生的影响,实验前后进行量表测试,并对测试数据进行差值多元方差分析及LSD多重比较。结果显示:不同课外锻炼方式在因变量身体自尊、一般自尊和生活满意感上的主效应均非常显著;两干预组与对照组之间实验效果存在显著性差异;两干预组的效果也存在差异。结论:不同形式的课外锻炼能不同程度提高大学体育后进生的身体自尊及生活满意感水平,且自行课外锻炼方式对大学体育后进生干预效果最佳。 |
LIU Chun-lai1,YIN Xiao-wang2
(1.School of Physical Educaltion,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China;2.School of Physical Educaltion,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330027,China) Abstract: By using physical pride, general pride and sense of general life satisfaction measurement forms as their research tools, the authors conducted an 8-week intervention experiment on 35 sport backward college students at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics by dividing them into a collective extracurricular exercising group and a free extracurricular exercising group coupled with recognition intervention, in order to examine the effects of these two different extracurricular exercising modes coupled with recognition intervention on sport backward college students. The authors tested the students by using the measurement forms before and after the experiment, performed a multivariate analysis of variances and a multiple LSD comparison on the test data, and revealed the following findings: the main effects of different extracurricular exercising modes on physical pride, general pride and sense of life satisfac-tion were all very significant; there were significant differences between the experiment results of the two intervention groups and control group; there were also differences between the results of the two intervention groups. The authors drew the following conclusions: different forms of extracurricular exercising can improve the levels of physical pride and sense of life satisfaction of sport backward college students to different extents, and the free extracurricular exer-cising mode had the best intervention effect on sport backward college students. |