(军事体育进修学院 特种技能训练教研室,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:采用USAQ问卷测试国防生的自我接纳水平,以运动处方的军体拳教学训练实验,探讨国防生自我接纳发展的内在特点和规律,研究结果显示国防生的各项自我接纳因子均随着运动处方实施的不同阶段呈现全面提高的趋势,表明军体拳运动处方对提高低自我接纳水平的国防生有明显的心理影响效应,能有效地提高国防生的自信水平。 |
ZHANG Hong-chun
(Department of Special Skills Training,Advanced Insititute of Military Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: The author explored the level of self-acceptance of national defense students by doing a test with Univer-sity Self-Acceptance Questionnaire (USAQ), probed into the intrinsic characteristics and patterns of the develop-ment of self-acceptance of national defense students, and revealed that all the factors of self-acceptance of national defense students showed a trend of comprehensive enhancement at different stages in the implementation of sports prescriptions, which indicated that military boxing sports prescriptions had obvious effects on enhancing the psy-chological influence on national defense students with a low level of self-acceptance. |